Life can be unpredictable. Luckily, the grants provided by WINGS WorldQuest to its incredible Women of Discovery Award winners are completely and uniquely unrestricted. Fellows are able to direct the funds towards whatever will keep them in the field, on their path, or safe. Even a small amount of support can make a big difference. 

Your contribution will go toward the WINGS Junior Council Women of Discovery Fund, which will sponsor one grant for a Women of Discovery Awardee, WINGS’ highest honor.


Life can take youhigher than anyother kind of drug..png

$1 – $25

Thank you for your support! Your gift can help provide an explorer with supplies like water bottles, mosquito nets and zinc oxide tape in case of injuries.

If you give up to $25, you’ll get:

  • A shout out on social media *

GIVE $1 – $25

* Unless anonymity is prefered.



$26 – $50

Your gift can provide a headlamp, specialty socks or satellite phone credit.

If you give between $25 and $50, you will get:

  • A WINGS hat

  • A WINGS pen

  • A shout out on social media

GIVE $26 – $50


$51 – $100

A donation at this level can help cover the cost of water storage containers, shade tarps, or emergency shelter kits.

When you reach the $51 and $100 tier, you’ll get:

  • A WINGS tote bag (while supplies last)

  • A WINGS hat

  • A WINGS pen

  • A shout out on social media

GIVE $51 – $100


$101 – $150

More than $100 can help provide gloves, hats and boots for team members or a rucksack.

Our thank you for your gift of $101 to $150 will include:

  • A printed 2019 WINGS WorldQuest flag report booklet

  • A WINGS shirt

  • A WINGS tote bag (while supplies last)

  • A WINGS hat

  • A WINGS pen

  • A shout out on social media

GIVE $101 – $150


$151 – $250

A donation of more than $150 can help provide specialty clothing to keep cool in high temperatures, a pair of trail shoes, or communications and safety equipment, like GPS or radio units.

For your generous gift of $151 to $250, you’ll receive:

  • Discounted tickets to WINGS Junior Council events

  • Your name listed in the donor circle on the website

  • A printed 2019 WINGS WorldQuest flag report booklet

  • A WINGS shirt

  • A WINGS tote bag (while supplies last)

  • A WINGS hat

  • A WINGS pen

  • A shout out on social media

GIVE $151 – $250



Amazing! We can’t thank you enough for your support. A gift of this size can provide explorers with reliable and safe climbing gear, a handheld GPS unit, or a pair of high-quality compasses.

For a gift of $251 or more, you’ll get:

  • Two tickets to the Junior Council Thank-you event

  • Discounted tickets to WINGS Junior Council events

  • Your name listed in the donor circle on the website

  • A printed 2019 WINGS WorldQuest flag report booklet

  • A WINGS tote bag (while supplies last)

  • A WINGS hat

  • A WINGS pen

  • A shout out on social media

GIVE >$250

Header photo courtesy Felicity Aston and the Women’s Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition 2018.